Pacific International Journal: Announcements 2024-06-05T17:04:10+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>Pacific International Journal "PIJ" (E-ISSN 2616-4825 &amp; P-ISSN 2663-8991) is an international, nonprofit, open access, online, and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that has been published since 2018 in Pakistan. As a refereed journal as well as an indexted journal, it's main objective is to serve as an intellectual and scientific platform to develop and promote the multidisciplinary studies and research of the international scholars in the field described in more detail below. Pacific International Journal published the original research articles that identify, explain, and analyze real-world issues. It accepts full-length multidisciplinary research articles on a full range of topics. Pacific International journal is inviting submissions from authors according to the aims and scope of the journal. The PIJ is published in an open-access format – articles are published on the journal's website immediately after acceptance, giving the scientific community and the public unlimited and free access to the content.</p> <p><em><strong>By 2021 PIJ editorial team decided to publish only two issues in a year to improve research quality.</strong></em></p> <p>We also encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research relating to Business, Management, economics, education, arts, in as much detail as possible in order to promote scientific predictions and impact assessments of global change and development. Full experimental and methodical details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.</p> <p>Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Pacific International Journal provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article.</p> <h3>Benefits of publishing with PIJ</h3> <ul> <li><strong>Open access: </strong>Completely free for readers and authors. There are no fees charged for submission, subscription and article processing.</li> <li><strong>Rapid publication: </strong>PIJ is committed to getting the manuscripts peer-reviewed, and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 4-6 weeks after submission.</li> <li><strong>Recognition of reviewers: </strong>Reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports shall receive credits.</li> <li><strong>High visibility and Indexing: </strong>Indexed by: <ul> <li>Index Copernicus</li> <li>Google Scholar</li> <li>Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)</li> <li>International Scientific Indexing</li> <li>Cite Factor Academic Scientific Journals</li> <li>Scientific Indexing Service</li> <li>Academic resource Index Research Bib</li> <li>Scientific Journal Impact Factor</li> <li>China National Knowledge Infrastructure, 中国知网</li> <li>Under Review for multiple indexes and databases including EBSCO, ESCI, OAJI, and Scopus</li> </ul> </li> </ul> Sino-Philippine Academic Exchange on Ethnic Narratives Studies 2024-06-05T17:04:10+00:00 Pacific International Journal <p>To promote exchanges between China and the Philippines, enhance mutual understanding, and seek opportunities for mutual benefit, the organizing committee of the 5th China Shaoxing International Friendship Cities Conference and Sino-Philippine Academic Exchange on Ethnic Narratives Studies sincerely invites you to submit your manuscripts for special issue.</p> <p>Content and Themes</p> <p>The main topics of this issue include but are not limited to the following areas. Experts and scholars are welcome to present their research in narrative form:</p> <p>1. Narrative Research on Ethnic Development: Exploring the history and current status of ethnic development, and studying the linguistic and cultural elements in ethnic narratives.</p> <p>2. Language Planning and Language Teaching: Analyzing language policies and the development of language teaching in China or the Philippines, including the role and significance of English in ethnic narratives, policy changes, teaching strategies, and the current state of English language teaching in both countries.</p> <p>3. Second Language Acquisition Research: Studying theories and practices of second language acquisition.</p> <p>4. Ethnic Economic Development: Discussing issues related to social development, economic development, social governance, and economic management in connection with ethnic development.</p> <p>5. Teaching in Specific Fields: Examining how art and physical education promote ethnic characteristics, narratives, and ethnic development.</p> 2024-06-05T17:04:10+00:00 Call for papers Special Issue Cross-Cultural Relations between China and Pakistan 2021-12-17T01:51:52+00:00 Pacific International Journal <p>Pakistan is geographically located at the crossroads of cultures and historic civilizations. Over the years, the Pakistan-China relationship has been graduated into an 'all-weather' Sino-Pak friendship. A sustained relationship between Pakistan and China requires a mutual understanding of cultures, traditions, and language, which can take place only through robust people-to-people contact. A quick overview of Pakistan's cultural policy relations with its neighboring countries presents a somewhat dismal scenario, where there is a disarray of state initiatives and practices, at loggerhead with each other, which continued to change with the change of the government. A holistic state policy towards culture which could guide the national cultural development as well as fill in the ranks for the cultural diplomacy through foreign cultural relations is yet to take shape. The social and cultural consequences of the US $46 billion investment in the 3,000-kilometer-long strategic China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) that will connect Pakistan’s Arabian Sea port of Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang province, have not been fully anticipated. Given the likely cultural interaction between the citizens of Pakistan and China, it is imperative that we explore the avenues for renewed inter-cultural dialogue and revive the multi-level links that are lying dormant in our shared cultural histories and regional biographies. <strong>Authors are invited to submit their research related to the Cross-Cultural Relations between China and Pakistan.</strong></p> 2021-12-17T01:51:52+00:00