About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Pacific International Journal “PIJ” is an international, nonprofit, open access, online, and double-blind peer-reviewed journal that has been published since 2018. As a refereed journal as well as an indexted journal, the main objective  of the Pacific International journal is to serve as an intellectual platform and ideas for the international scholar.

Since 2022 Pacific International Journal has published articles about social science and humanities to improve research quality. Therefore, The PIJ will publish work related to the arts and humanities, management, economics, history, education, Linguistics & culture.  Articles might examine the effects of the incorporation of new technologies and infrastructures, aspects of international economic integration and development, agriculture, education development, the changing configuration of employment and income distribution, interdependence between environmental and economic change, instability, and crisis.

An important aim is to facilitate communication among researchers who are actively engaged in the study of the various aspects of social science,  humanities from an analytical or policy point of view. PIJ encourages articles that apply econometric and statistical techniques to the above themes. 

Benefits to authors

We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on publications, and much more. Please see the "Guide for Authors" for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please feel free to contact us.