Call for papers Special Issue Cross-Cultural Relations between China and Pakistan
Pakistan is geographically located at the crossroads of cultures and historic civilizations. Over the years, the Pakistan-China relationship has been graduated into an 'all-weather' Sino-Pak friendship. A sustained relationship between Pakistan and China requires a mutual understanding of cultures, traditions, and language, which can take place only through robust people-to-people contact. A quick overview of Pakistan's cultural policy relations with its neighboring countries presents a somewhat dismal scenario, where there is a disarray of state initiatives and practices, at loggerhead with each other, which continued to change with the change of the government. A holistic state policy towards culture which could guide the national cultural development as well as fill in the ranks for the cultural diplomacy through foreign cultural relations is yet to take shape. The social and cultural consequences of the US $46 billion investment in the 3,000-kilometer-long strategic China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) that will connect Pakistan’s Arabian Sea port of Gwadar to China’s Xinjiang province, have not been fully anticipated. Given the likely cultural interaction between the citizens of Pakistan and China, it is imperative that we explore the avenues for renewed inter-cultural dialogue and revive the multi-level links that are lying dormant in our shared cultural histories and regional biographies. Authors are invited to submit their research related to the Cross-Cultural Relations between China and Pakistan.